4 Reasons to change your traditional fax for a virtual fax solution

The faxing technology is old, but it is not outdated. This technology offers enormous advantages, from security to ease of use, and now, with the increase in new technologies, the possibilities and functions when sending a fax have been greatly improved. For example, eComFax is our Virtual Fax solution for Businesses.
The biggest advance is when it moved to the cloud and Virtual Fax sending became much easier to handle. If you have not yet switched to a virtual fax (for unknown reasons) here are some advantages that will surely make you change your mind.
What are the main reasons to switch to Virtual Fax?
1. Fewer resources required, it’s cheaper!
You don’t need to clutter up your office space with a fax machine, which, as you probably know, takes up a lot of space. Not only that, but you also have to worry about the paper and ink that the machine consumes, especially if you work with more than 300 faxes per month.
You also have to add to the use of traditional fax, the costs of maintenance and replacement of the parts necessary for its optimal operation.
With this in mind, it would be a bad idea not to opt for virtual fax. Everything is done from your email account, just by having a device with Internet access and your email account, without unnecessary costs, saving a lot of money and also collaborating with the environment. It’s green technology!
2. Greater information security
Virtual fax is more secure than traditional fax, mainly because:
- You are not leaving your confidential data out in the open (no unattended papers in the fax machine).
- The content of your fax is fully encrypted with a minimum 128-bit, TLS encrypted connection. Sensitive work or personal information can be at risk if it falls into the wrong hands.
- Access to the Virtual Fax sending is controlled, so you can know who, when and where the faxes related to your company were sent.
<<< Discover secure virtual fax solutions >>>
3. Ease of fax management
Storing faxes and keeping records is much easier with sending Virtual Faxes. Since you can keep track of all your incoming and outgoing faxes on the Internet, you don’t have to struggle with stacks of paper and wasting time and space organizing them. With virtual fax, you can directly sort all fax data by email with a few clicks.
4. Simplify your business tasks
The most important feature of Virtual Fax is that it is very flexible.
You can send, receive and manage all your faxes with your email account, so you can work freely on the go. You don’t need to stress about running out of paper or ink or having to be in the office (or at home) to send a fax. This is super beneficial for people who work in large companies or as a freelancer who are constantly on the go and have to handle sensitive data easily and quickly.
Learn more about the advantages of using eComFax, our Virtual Fax solution.