Virtual Fax

In an increasingly digitized world, fax technology has evolved to meet modern business needs. Virtual fax solutions not only simplify processes but also offer an appropriate level of security for the protection of sensitive information. > What is Virtual Fax? Virtual fax, also known as Internet fax, is a technology…

Email and instant messaging have become indispensable tools for fast and efficient communication in a variety of settings, both personal and professional.  However, when it comes to government entities and public administrations, the use of these for exchanging confidential information and documents with personal data poses significant challenges.  > Problems…

In a world driven by technological advances, the image of a fax machine may seem anachronistic and outdated. However, in healthcare, doctors and healthcare professionals continue to rely on the fax as an essential communication tool.    Even though other industries have given way to fully digital solutions, physicians continue to…

Benefits of Virtual Fax for Industries  Despite technological advancements and the popularity of emails and instant messaging, fax continues to be a valuable tool for many companies and industries around the world. While traditional fax is still used in some businesses, virtual fax has emerged as a more advanced and…

Data breaches are IT security incidents that expose sensitive data of users using certain services. Nowadays these types of cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly common, given the considerable increase in Internet use and the digitization of almost all industries, including finance and healthcare that deal with highly sensitive data.   >…

Although it seemed that the fax was going to disappear forever due to the new ways of sending documents, there are still many companies and industries that continue to use it. More and more companies are realizing its usefulness and benefits and are returning to using it for sending important…

The evolution of communications technology has been abysmal in this last decade, so much so that it is disputed whether the technology has so much potential to develop such significant improvements going forward. This has meant changes and the diversification of both the deployment of media infrastructure in the enterprise…